

Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship & Innovation at TCU

Editor, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice

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Research Interests:

  • Crowdfunding
  • Entrepreneurial Finance
  • Entrepreneurial Resource Acquisition
  • Entrepreneurial Narratives
  • Entrepreneurial Leadership
  • Organizational Structure & Theory
  • Social Entrepreneurship
  • Venture Capital
  • Venture Finance

Teaching Interests:

  • Entrepreneurial Finance
  • Entrepreneurial Management
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Entrepreneurial Leadership & Teams
  • Venture Strategy
  • Venture Financial Management
  • Venture Capital Valuation

Recent Crowdfunding Research and Venture Finance Work

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Affiliation Rhetoric and Digital Orientation in Crowdfunding Appeals. Technological Forecasting & Social Change. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2023.122441Maurer JD, Creek SA, Allison TH, Bendickson JS, Sahaym A. 2023.

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Pitching with your heart (on your sleeve): Getting to the heart of how display authenticity matters in crowdfunding. Journal of Small Business Management. https://doi.org/10.1080/00472778.2022.2122482Oo P, Allison TH. 2024.

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Standing out in a crowd of victim entrepreneurs: How entrepreneurs’ language-based cues of personality traits affect public support. Journal of Small Business Management. https://doi.org/10.1080/00472778.2022.2056606Allison TH, Anglin AH, Davis BC, Oo PP, Seyb SK, Short JC, Wolfe MT. 2024.

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Gender and Counterstereotypical Facial Expressions of Emotion in Crowdfunded Microlending. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. https://doi.org/10.1177/10422587211029770 – Davis BC, Warnick BJ, Anglin AH, Allison TH. 2021.

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Making a Contribution to Entrepreneurship Research by Studying Crowd-Funded Entrepreneurial Opportunities. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. https://doi.org/10.1177/1042258719888640 – Pollack JM, Maula M, Allison TH, Renko M, Günther CC. 2021.

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Third-Party Signals in Crowdfunded Microfinance: The Role of Microfinance InstitutionsEntrepreneurship Theory and Practice. https://doi.org/10.1177/1042258719839709 – Anglin AH, Short JC, Ketchen DJ, Allison TH, McKenny AF. 2020.

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The Crowdfunding Research Stream: Origins, Purpose, and Future Trends

Research on entrepreneurial finance and entrepreneurial resource acquisition is vital to bringing equal access to all, supporting diversity, and developing social entrepreneurship and strong entrepreneurial ecosystems. There are many nascent entrepreneurs with promising ideas who simply lack the funds to start and form a business. One’s own wealth tends to be highly correlated with that of family and friends. Thus, friends and family are often not able to help.

Crowdfunding is a wonderful and exciting development. Crowdfunding can often provide a bridge from idea to enterprise for entrepreneurs who struggle to get funded through traditional channels. Understanding crowdfunding is currently the focus of my research program.

About Tom Allison: Dr. Thomas H. Allison is an associate professor of entrepreneurship in the Neeley School of Business at TCU. He received his PhD from the University of Oklahoma. His research centers on entrepreneurial finance; novel forms of entrepreneurial resource acquisition, including crowdfunding; and the effects of narrative, rhetoric, and emotional expression on investment decisions. An entrepreneur before earning his Ph.D., he researches, teaches, and loves to talk about how entrepreneurs get the money they need to start and grow their businesses.

>>Full Biography & About

Recently Read: Other Recent Crowdfunding & Entrepreneurial Finance Research

Narcissistic Rhetoric and Crowdfunding Performance: A Social Role Theory Perspective
M Wolfe, JC Short, A McKenny, AH Anglin, R Pidduck Journal of Business Venturing. 2018.
“Drawing from clinical and organizational narcissism research, we develop a novel measure of narcissistic rhetoric, investigating its prevalence in a sample of 1863 crowdfunding campaigns. An experiment using 1800 observations further validates our measure and confirms our hypothesized inverted-U relationship between narcissistic rhetoric and crowdfunding performance. Leveraging social role theory, we explore sex, sexual orientation, and race as potential moderators of this relationship. Moderation tests reveal LGBTQ entrepreneurs generally yield greater performance when using narcissistic rhetoric than heterosexuals while racial minorities underperform Caucasians using narcissistic rhetoric. Our findings suggest successful crowdfunding campaigns must balance narcissistic rhetoric with entrepreneurs’ perceived social roles.”

Funders’ positive affective reactions to entrepreneurs’ crowdfunding pitches: The influence of perceived product creativity and entrepreneurial passion
BC DavisKM HmieleskiJW Webb… – Journal of Business Venturing, 2017.
“This study draws upon affective events theory, research regarding funders’
perceptions, and research regarding expectation alignment between products and their
presenters to develop and test an indirect effects model of crowdfunding resource allocation…” PDF